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Santa Ana/Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Project Addendum <br />As disclosed in the EIR, all severely impacted receivers would be reduced to moderate or no impact after the <br />implementation of proposed mitigation. Eliminating the horn sounding at receptors R10 and R13 would reduce the <br />noise impact from severe to moderate. Therefore, no barriers are recommended at those locations. <br />Streetcar Vibration Analysis <br />The proposed Project modifications would affect the vibration level results as presented in the February 2012 Noise <br />and Vibration Technical Report provided as an appendix to the EIR. Beginning at Harbor Boulevard and ending at <br />Raiff Street the proposed modifications would implement the following changes to the previously approved Project. <br />• The proposed modification would increase the average train speed within the PE ROW from 35 to 45 mph <br />• The proposed modification would shift the railroad alignment within the PE ROW to the north. <br />Impact of Proposed Design Modifications <br />Table L of the Supplemental Noise and Vibration Analysis lists the vibration levels calculated for the proposed <br />alignment. This table reflects the change in vibration levels associated with the increase in speed and the change in <br />centerline location. There are only Land Use Category 2 and Land Use Category 3 noise receptors located within the <br />vicinity of the project modifications. Land Use Category 2 includes residences and buildings where people normally <br />sleep. Land Use Category 3 includes institutional land uses with primarily daytime and evening use. The impact <br />threshold for Land Use Category 2 is 72 VdB and for Land Use Category 3 is 75 VdB. As shown, the vibration levels <br />are below the impact threshold at all receptor locations. Therefore, no minimization design features are required. <br />Construction Vibration Analysis <br />Construction of the proposed Project may require pile driving and has the potential to result in temporary vibration <br />impacts to structures and humans. The potential use of pile driving is associated with the Project as evaluated in the <br />EIR. However, the design modifications specifically do not trigger the need for the use of pile driving. The 2012 Noise <br />and Vibration Technical Report (URS) determined that residences located within 100 feet of the Westminster Avenue <br />overpass or the Santa Ana River Bridge would be exposed to vibration levels exceeding those listed in Table M of the <br />Supplemental Noise and Vibration Analysis, therefore the design modifications do not increase the seventy of <br />vibration impacts nor introduce new vibration impacts not previously analyzed. <br />The residences located adjacent to the Santa Ana River Bridge would be exposed to vibration levels of up to 0.32 <br />PPV, exceeding the 0.2 PPV threshold for standard residential construction. The Old Pacific Electric Santa Ana River <br />Bridge would be exposed to vibration levels of up to 0.23 PPV, exceeding the 0.12 PPV threshold for historic <br />structures. However, these levels are based on the use of impact pile drivers. Section of the EIR included <br />the following best management practices (BMPs) for bridge construction vibration: <br />• Noise and Vibration Control Plan will be developed and implemented prior to construction that will include <br />the following best management practices to minimize exposure to high levels of noise and vibration and <br />ensure compliance with construction noise and vibration criteria listed in the FTA Transit Noise and <br />Vibration Impact Assessment guidance document. This includes ensuring that vibration levels at historic <br />structures do not exceed 0.12 inches per second peak particle velocity. <br />• Where pile -driving operations are required, vibratory pile driving or pre -drilled pile insertion techniques shall <br />be used whenever possible, rather than impact pile driving. <br />Although perceptible at the residences these vibration levels would not exceed FTA's vibration damage criteria. <br />The 2012 Noise and Vibration Technical Report (URS) determined the following distances for potential for vibration <br />impacts due to the use of a piece of equipment such as a vibratory roller during construction: <br />• Building damage to residential structure — 26 Feet <br />• Building damage to institutional structure — 15 Feet <br />121P age 1170726.1 <br />