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(x) Occupancy shall not exceed that required under the Uniform Building Code and <br />Uniform Fire Code, and the maximum occupancy load shall be posted at the main <br />entrance. <br />Section 5: Section 18-617.2 of Article XIII of Chapter 18 of the Santa Ana <br />Municipal Code is hereby amended to read in full as follows: <br />Sec. 18-617.2. - Medical marijuana collective—Regulatory permit application <br />process. <br />(a) Any Medical Marijuana Collective desiring a regulatory safety permit required by this <br />article shall, prior to initiating operations and after receiving notice of its successful <br />registration under section 18-617.1 as being on the RSP Eligibility List, must <br />complete and file a Regulatory Safety Permit Application to the Director of the <br />Planning and Building Agency or designee on a form supplied by the Planning and <br />Building Agency. The application shall be filed together with a nonrefundable fee as <br />established by resolution of the City Council, to defray the cost of investigation <br />required by this article. The application shall contain all of the following: <br />(1) The address of the property where the proposed Medical Marijuana <br />Collective(s) will operate; <br />(2) A site plan describing the property with fully dimensioned interior and exterior <br />floor plans including electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and disabled access <br />compliance pursuant to Title 24 of the State of California Code of Regulations <br />and the federally mandated Americans with Disabilities Act; <br />(3) Exterior photographs of the entrance(s), exits(s), street frontage(s), parking, <br />front, rear and side(s) of the proposed property; <br />(4) Photographs depicting the entire interior of the proposed property; <br />(5) If the property is being rented or leased or is being purchased under contract, a <br />copy of such lease or contract; <br />(6) If the property is being rented or leased, written proof that the property owner, <br />and landlord if applicable, were given notice that the property will be used as a <br />Medical Marijuana Collective, and that the property owner, and landlord if <br />applicable, agree(s) to said operations; <br />(7) The name, address, telephone number, title and function(s) of each manager, <br />employee, volunteer, etc; <br />(8) For each manager, employee, volunteer, a fully legible copy of one valid <br />government issued form of photo identification, such as State Driver's License <br />or Identification Card; <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXX <br />Page 8 of 19 <br />11D-10 <br />