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NS-2674 - Amending Section 1-8 of Santa Ana Municipal Code to Grant the City Attorney Discretion to Prosecute Criminal Violations of the Code As Misdemeanors or Infractions[Icon] 3 Yes 2/16/2005 4:37:10 PM 1/3/2012 1:00:50 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2675 - Rezoning the Property Located at 419 South Newhope Street from Two-Familly Residence ‎(R2)‎ to Single-Family Residence ‎(R1)‎[Icon] 4 Yes 2/25/2005 4:47:03 PM 1/3/2012 1:00:50 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2676 - Amending Specific Development District ‎(SD-59)‎[Icon] 39 Yes 3/21/2005 1:48:29 PM 1/3/2012 1:00:52 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2677 - Approving a Development Agreement Between the City of Santa Ana and Main Street, Concourse LLC[Icon] 38 Yes 3/21/2005 1:50:47 PM 1/3/2012 1:00:53 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2678 - Regarding the Cable Television Advisory Board[Icon] 2 Yes 3/16/2005 9:25:16 AM 1/3/2012 1:00:54 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2679 - Adding Article Xi-Seizure, Impoundment and Forfeiture of Vehicles, Sections 10-600 Through 10-611 to the Santa Ana Municipal Code Relating to Seizure, Impoundmen and Forfeiture of Vehicles Used...[Icon] 9 Yes 3/16/2005 9:21:10 AM 1/3/2012 1:00:54 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2680 - Approving a Development Agreement Between City of Santa Ana, Coastal Rim Properties...[Icon] 53 Yes 5/23/2005 8:29:58 AM 7/18/2016 2:59:19 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2681 - Amending Specific Development No. 43, Pertaining to MacArthur Place ‎(SD-43)‎[Icon] 5 Yes 4/27/2005 5:08:10 PM 1/3/2012 1:00:57 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2682 - Repealing and Amending In Its Entirety Section 15-258 of Article II of Chapter 15 of Santa Ana Municipal Code Relating to Consumer Protection and Service Standards...[Icon] 13 Yes 5/10/2005 10:33:50 AM 1/3/2012 1:00:57 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2683 - Authorizing the Renewal of a Cable Television Franchise Agreement Between the City and Adelphia Cablevision...[Icon] 4 Yes 5/10/2005 10:33:52 AM 7/18/2016 2:59:21 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2684 - Amending Specific Development No. 58 ‎(SD-58)‎[Icon] 21 Yes 7/28/2005 12:35:25 PM 7/18/2016 2:59:27 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2685 - Extending Time Limit of the Effectiveness of Merged Redevelopment Plans and the Time Limit for Payment of Indebtedness and Receipt of Property Taxes[Icon] 6 Yes 5/23/2005 8:32:44 AM 1/3/2012 1:00:58 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2686 - Amending Sections 2-300 and 2-300.5 of Santa Ana Municipal Code to Establish the Title of Deputy City Manager for Development Services[Icon] 3 Yes 6/28/2005 3:20:38 PM 1/3/2012 1:00:58 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2687 - Appropriating Monies to Several Offices, Agencies, and Departments of the City[Icon] 4 Yes 6/28/2005 3:20:39 PM 7/18/2016 2:59:30 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2688 - Approving an Amendment to a Development Agreement Between City of Santa Ana...[Icon] 12 Yes 6/28/2005 3:20:39 PM 7/18/2016 2:59:38 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2689 - Amending Section 36-488 of Santa Ana Municipal Code Relating to Display of Permits[Icon] 3 Yes 7/26/2005 11:23:53 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:00 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2690 - Adopting the Hutton Centre Mixed Use Specific Development District ‎(SD-76)‎ and Rezoning the Property Located at 1-7 and 9-11 ...[Icon] 14 Yes 7/26/2005 11:57:16 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:00 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2691 - Approving a Development Agreement Between the City of Santa Ana, ...[Icon] 73 Yes 7/28/2005 12:28:47 PM 1/3/2012 1:01:04 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2692 - Amending Specific Development No. 72 to Allow Outdoor Special Events, to Amend Restaurant Hours of Operation, to Increase the Number of Musicians, ...[Icon] 12 Yes 7/28/2005 12:35:27 PM 1/3/2012 1:01:04 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2693 - Adopting a 45 Day Temporary Moratorium on Construction or Establishment of a Medical Marijuana Dispensaries[Icon] 5 Yes 7/28/2005 12:35:25 PM 1/3/2012 1:01:04 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2694 - Extending the Temporary Moratorium on Construction or Establishment of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries[Icon] 5 Yes 8/23/2005 1:10:01 PM 1/3/2012 1:01:05 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2696 - Adopting the Bowers Museum Specific Development District No. 78 ‎(SD-78)‎ and Rezoning the Property Located at 2032 North Main Street...[Icon] 11 Yes 9/30/2005 12:05:40 PM 1/3/2012 1:01:05 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2697 - Adding Article XI to Chapter 34 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code to Establish A Procedure for the Voluntary Merger of Parcels[Icon] 5 Yes 10/24/2005 3:29:46 PM 1/3/2012 1:01:06 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2698 - Rezoning Property Located at 606 South Euclid Street from Community Commercial ‎(C1)‎ to Single-Family Residence ‎(R1)‎[Icon] 4 Yes 10/11/2005 4:32:36 PM 1/3/2012 1:01:06 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2699 - Creating Specific Development District ‎(SD-79)‎ for Property Located at 1900 North Main Street[Icon] 14 Yes 10/26/2005 11:46:26 AM 7/18/2016 2:59:49 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
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