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-- <br /> <br />natbn aim the depoqt of funds h~ em~rt for the use of the <br /> <br />to compel an agreement on the [)rice to be p`ahl for the <br />property. <br /> S~:c. 16. Seclim~ 7267.6 i~ `added to the Oovermnent Code, <br /> <br /> 72~;7.6. If any interest`al property is to be acquired <br />by exm'cise of the power of emi~ent domain, the public entity <br />shall institute formal eondemn`alion proceedings, No ~uhlie <br />enlily shall inhmtiounlly m`ake it ~et. ess`ary for all owner to <br />instil,lc legal proceedings to prove the fact of the taking of <br />]lis re`a) pcoperty, <br /> REc. 17. Seetkm 7267.7 is added io lhe Government Code, <br />to read: <br /> 7267.7. If fl~e `acquisliim~ of only a portion of a propert7 <br /> <br />tim~ a~ to constitute `an tme,.onomie reran`ant, the public entity <br />shall offer to and may aequh'e the entire property if the owner <br />so dosires. <br /> S~('. 18. Seelion 72~8 of the Government Code is amended <br /> <br /> 7288. The St`ate Bmn'd of Control is autborlzed to adopt <br />rules and regulatimm to implement p`ayments m~der this chap- <br />ter by st, te agencies other th`an the Dep`artmont of Public <br />Win'ks. The Departme,t of Public Works is authorized to <br />ad,:pt rules and rem~lati.ns to implement payments under <br />lids dmpter lly il The ~overnin~ bodies of other public en- <br />tit/es are nnlhorized to mlopt rules `and regulMioas to imple. <br />ment p`ayments under this chaplet by such eutities. <br /> snc. 1!1. ~ection 7272 of the l~overmnent Code is re. <br />pealod. <br />S~c. 20. Section 7272 is added to the Oovermnent Code, <br /> <br /> 7272. If trader auy other provision of law of this state the <br />ow~; er or oecup`ant of rem properD' acquired by a public entity <br />for publle use is g,ven gre`ater protection tbau ~s provided by <br />Soot}mm 721~5.3 to 7267.8. im'hmive the pub}ie entity shall ,also <br />comply with suPh other provision of law. <br /> $~:('. 20.;5 Section 7272.3 is a,kb'd to the Oovernmont Code, <br /> <br /> 7272.:1. It is qhc inieni of the Leg[slMuro. by this ~,h`apter. <br /> <br /> <br />