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property, the owner shall be awarded such ,~n amount, as <br />determined by the court, wbich will reimburse him for bis <br />rcasonable costs, disbursements, a~xd expenses, including rea- <br />sonable attorney, appraisal, and cnginceriug fees, actually in- <br />curred because of sach proceeding. <br /> S~c. 1.4. Sectiou 814.3 of the Evidence Code, as proposed <br />by Assembly Bill No. 28S8 o~ the 1971 Regular Session of the <br />Legislature, i~ repealed. <br /> S~c. 1.8. Section 7260 of the Government Code is amended <br />to read: <br /> 7260. As used in this chapter: <br /> (a) "Public entity" includes the statc~ the Regeuts of the <br />Uulversity of California, a comity, city, city and county, dis- <br />trict, public authority, public agency, and any other political <br />subdivision or public corporation in the state when acquiring <br />real propc~'ty, or any interest therein, in any City ar county <br />for public use. <br /> (.b) "Person" means any individual, partnership, corpora. <br />tlon, or association. <br /> (c) "Dispb~ccd person" moans any person who moves from <br />real property, or who moves his personal property from real <br />property, as a result of thc acquisition of such real preperty, <br />in whole or in part. or as the result of a written order from <br />a public entity to vacate tho real property, for public use. <br /> (d) "Business" means any lawful activity, except a farm <br />operation, conducted ln'hnarJly: <br /> (~) For the purchase, sale, lea~e, or rental of personal and <br />real property, and for the nlantlfaCttlrc, processing, or market- <br />lng of products, commodities, or any o~her pcrsouaI property; <br /> (2). For the sale of services to tho public; <br /> (3) By a noaI)rofit orgauizalion; or <br /> (4) Solely for lbo purpose of Section 7262 for asslstiug in <br />the purchase, sale, resale, maaufaeturo, processing, or markcb <br />lng of produels, commodities, pemonal property, or services by <br />the ert,etion and maintemmeo of an outdoor advertising dis- <br />play, whether or not Such display is located ou the premises ou <br />wbieb m~y of tho above aelivifies are condueled. <br /> {e) "Il'arm opcra~ion" mmms any actigity conducted solely <br />or prima rily for Ibc production of one or more agricultural prod- <br />ne~s or commodities, iueludlng limber, for sale or lffome use, <br />alul CllStOl~tari]y producing such prmlucts or commodities in <br />sultlvieni qu;mlily Io bo oapablc of ctmtributing materially to <br /> <br /> (r) "Affected property" means any real property which <br />m, ttmlly dt, eli~cs in fab' market value because of acquisitiou <br />by a public entily for public usc of other real property and a <br />c}~nge io the usc of thc real In'operiy acquired by the public <br /> <br /> <br />