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NS-2416 - Municipal Code to Remove Provisions Pertaining to Overtime Work[Icon] 2 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:56 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2417 - Amending Chapter 30 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code by Adding Section 30-2.2 Categorizing The Structures of Historical and Architectural Significance on the Santa Ana Register of Historical Properties[Icon] 3 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:56 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2418 - Extending the Moratorium Prohibiting the Construction of Drive-Through Facilities...[Icon] 4 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:56 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2419 - Amending Chapter 36 Section 145 and Chapter 41 Section 607 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code to Correspond to Changes in California Vehicle Code[Icon] 3 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:56 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2420 - Amending Chapter 41 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code to Establish a New Zoning District Known as the Commercial South Main Zoning District[Icon] 15 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:56 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2421 - Rezoning Property...[Icon] 5 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:57 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2422 - Rezoning Property from Commercial Residential to General Commercial[Icon] 4 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:57 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2423 - Municipal Code to Establish an Administrative Citation Program as an Alternative Enforcement Program for Violations of the Santa Ana Municipal Code[Icon] 8 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:57 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2424 - Amending Various Sections of Chapter 36 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code to Prohibit Skateboarding and Roller Skating in the Civic Center Plaza[Icon] 4 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:57 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2425 - Repealing Section 2 of Ordinance No. NS-2419 and Reinstating the Prior Language of Section 41-607‎(h)‎ of the Santa Ana Municipal Code[Icon] 4 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:57 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2426 - Authorizing an Amendment to the Contract Between the City Council of the City of Santa Ana and the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees Retirement System[Icon] 6 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:58 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2427 - Amending Chapter 41 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code to Prohibit Drive Through Facilities in the Central Business and Central Business-Artists Village Zoning Districts[Icon] 4 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:58 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2428 - Amending the Harbor Boulevard Specific Plan for the Area Covering North Harbor Boulevard[Icon] 4 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:58 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2429 - Extending the Prohibition on the Conversion or Establishment of Any New Residential Hotel[Icon] 4 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:58 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2430 - Amending Chapter 36 of the Santa Ana Municipal to Allow the Executive Director of the Public Works Agency to Establish Parking Limitations in Preferntial Parking Districts[Icon] 2 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:58 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2431 - Appropriating Monies to Several Offices, Agencies, and Departments of the City ...[Icon] 3 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:58 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2432 - Rezoning a Vacant Parcel Located at 2702 North Bristol Street from Specific Development No. 27 to Community Commercial[Icon] 4 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:58 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2433 - Amending Chapter 41 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code Regulating Front Yard Fences in the Residential Zoning Districts[Icon] 5 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:58 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2434 - Calling For and Giving Notice of a General Municipal Election to be Held in the City of Santa Ana[Icon] 2 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:58 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2435 - Amending the Hours of Operation Applicable to the Retail Uses in Specific Development[Icon] 2 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:58 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2436 - Amending Chapter 35, Article VI, the Utility Users Tax Code[Icon] 22 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:59 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2437 - Temporarily Prohibiting the Establishment of any New Banquet Facilities in the City[Icon] 4 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:59 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2438 - Amending Chapter 30 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code...[Icon] 2 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:59 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2439 - Amending Santa Ana Municipal Code Section 5-72 to Grant a City Animal Control Officer Expanded Authority to Declare a Dog to be a "Vicious Dog"[Icon] 3 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:59 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2440 - Amending Sections Of Santa Ana Municipal Code to Prohibit the Unauthorized Painting of Public Streets or Curbs[Icon] 3 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:59 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
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