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NS-2459 - Authorizing an Amendment to the Contract Between the City Council of the City of Santa Ana and the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees Retirement System[Icon] 6 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:50 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2460 Not Used[Icon] 1 Yes 7/29/2003 3:40:44 PM 1/3/2012 1:01:51 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2461 - Amending Section 41.195.5 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code Regarding Temporary Outdoors[Icon] 6 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:51 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2462 - Rezoning Property Generally Located at Western Terminus of Gary Avenue South of Segerstrom Avenue ...[Icon] 2 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:51 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2463 - Amending the Midtown Specific Plan to Correct Boundaries of the Broadway Corridor and Community and Specialty Districts, and to Delete Parking Lots from the Civic Professional District[Icon] 3 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:51 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2464 - Authorizing an Amendment to the Contract Between City Council of the City of Santa Ana and the Board of Admnistration of the Public Employees Retirement System[Icon] 6 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:51 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2465 - Rezoning Property Generally Located at 1312 through 1336 West Santa Ana Boulevard ...[Icon] 2 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:51 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2466 - Amending Specific Development District 63 ‎(Orange County Business Center)‎ to Permit an Increase in Entitled Buildout...[Icon] 2 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:51 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2467 - Approving Amendment No 1 to Development Agreement 87-02 Between the City of Santa Ana and First American Financial Corporation[Icon] 11 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:52 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2468 - Regulating Cable and Video Service Providers ...[Icon] 24 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:52 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2469 - Municipal Code Regarding the Hours of Firework Sales[Icon] 2 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:52 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2470 - Relating to the Establishment and Operation of Passenger Transportation Services and Freight, Bus, and Truck Terminals in the M1 Zoning District[Icon] 7 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:52 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2471 - Relating to the Establishment, Operation and Amortization of Long-Term Stay Business or Transient[Icon] 12 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:53 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2472 - Santa Ana Municipal Code Regarding Gifts to Public Officials[Icon] 5 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:53 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2473 - Amending Sections of Santa Ana Municipal Code Relating to Establishment of Clubs, Fraternal Orders, and Lodges as Conditionally Permitted Uses in the City's Professional ...[Icon] 4 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:53 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2474 - Appropriating Monies to Several Offices, Agencies, and Departments of the City[Icon] 3 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:53 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2475 Not adopted[Icon] 4 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:53 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2476 - Amending Midtown Specific Plan to Allow Drive-Through Automated Teller Machines in the Community and Specialty District as Conditional Use[Icon] 3 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:54 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2477 - Rezoning the Property Located at 221 North Euclid from General Commercial to Single-Family Residence[Icon] 4 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:54 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2478 - Santa Ana Municipal Relating to Exercise of Eminent Domain for Partial TAkes of Property and Establishing Landscaping Setbacks[Icon] 3 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:54 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2479 - Adding Article XVII to Chapter 13 and Sections 39-55.1 to 39-55.5 to the City's Code...[Icon] 6 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:54 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2480 - Amending Article III of Chapter 33 and Adding Article XVIII to Chapter 13 of the City's Code to Establish a Trench Cut Fee...[Icon] 7 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:54 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2481 - Amending Chapter 26 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code to Regulate the Vending of Icecream from Pushcarts[Icon] 10 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:54 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2482 - Amending Various Sections of Chapter 34 Subdivisions of Santa Ana Municipal Code[Icon] 16 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:55 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
NS-2483 - Amending Section 5-51 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code Relating to Dog License-Fee[Icon] 3 Yes 6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM 1/3/2012 1:01:55 PM CLERK 2012 City Clerk
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