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Agenda_2025-01-21[Icon] 19 Yes 1/15/2025 8:24:44 AM 1/15/2025 8:25:32 AM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Agenda Review Follow-Up[Icon] 3 Yes 1/21/2025 11:26:50 AM 1/21/2025 3:37:15 PM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Correspondence - Item 29[Icon] 5 Yes 1/21/2025 2:09:44 PM 1/22/2025 12:02:58 PM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Correspondence - Non Agenda[Icon] 11 Yes 1/6/2025 9:20:29 AM 1/21/2025 2:10:24 PM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Item 07 - Minutes from the Special Meeting of December 10, 2024 and Regular Meeting of December 17, 2024[Icon] 26 Yes 1/16/2025 8:37:52 AM 1/16/2025 8:42:24 AM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Item 09 - Approve Destruction of Obsolete City Records[Icon] 7 Yes 1/16/2025 8:37:38 AM 1/27/2025 4:43:48 PM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Item 10 - Receive and File – Fiscal Year 2023-24 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report[Icon] 43 Yes 1/16/2025 8:38:02 AM 1/16/2025 8:39:53 AM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Item 11 - Purchase Order Contract with Brodart Company for Purchase of Collections and Cataloging Services[Icon] 2 Yes 1/16/2025 8:38:01 AM 1/16/2025 8:41:27 AM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Item 12 - Citywide Sports Field Maintenance Schedule for 2025-2026[Icon] 3 Yes 1/16/2025 8:37:51 AM 1/16/2025 8:43:19 AM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Item 13 - Receive and File the Notification by the City Engineer of the Final Tract Map No. 18178[Icon] 8 Yes 1/21/2025 3:02:46 PM 1/21/2025 3:33:21 PM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Item 14 - Receive and File the Notification by the City Engineer of the Final Tract Map No. 19238[Icon] 11 Yes 1/21/2025 2:09:15 PM 1/27/2025 4:44:55 PM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Item 15 - Purchase Order Contract for Asphalt Concrete Material[Icon] 4 Yes 1/21/2025 2:11:09 PM 1/27/2025 5:20:13 PM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Item 16 - Appropriation Adjustment for the Santiago Park Restroom Improvements[Icon] 2 Yes 1/21/2025 2:11:29 PM 1/27/2025 5:20:52 PM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Item 17 - Approve an Appropriation Adjustment and Award a Construction Contract tfor Street Flood Protection[Icon] 86 Yes 1/21/2025 2:13:40 PM 1/27/2025 5:21:15 PM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Item 18 - Traffic Signal Installation at Segerstrom Avenue and Rosewood Avenue[Icon] 286 Yes 1/21/2025 3:12:07 PM 1/27/2025 4:50:22 PM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Item 19 - Appropriation Adjustment and Agreement for MacArthur Street Improvements[Icon] 19 Yes 1/21/2025 2:14:34 PM 1/22/2025 10:48:22 AM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Item 20 - Award a Construction Contract to Aguilar & Calderon for Sidewalk Replacement Project[Icon] 36 Yes 1/16/2025 8:37:40 AM 1/27/2025 4:50:56 PM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Item 21 - Agreements with National Safety Services, Inc., Ancon Marine, Inc. for Confined Space Rescue Training and Services[Icon] 200 Yes 1/16/2025 8:36:25 AM 1/27/2025 4:53:29 PM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Item 22 - Agreement with T.R. Holliman for Water Resource Technincal Support Services[Icon] 15 Yes 1/16/2025 8:36:22 AM 1/16/2025 8:52:43 AM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Item 23 - Agreement Renewal with Azteca Systems, LLC for the Public Works Asset Management Software Renewal[Icon] 5 Yes 1/16/2025 8:36:20 AM 1/16/2025 8:54:05 AM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Item 24 - Appropriation Adjustment and Agreements for Workforce Redevelopment Programs[Icon] 137 Yes 1/21/2025 2:15:26 PM 1/27/2025 5:21:42 PM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Item 25 - Extension to the Memorandum of Understanding for SEIU Part-Time[Icon] 8 Yes 1/15/2025 1:23:26 PM 1/27/2025 4:53:34 PM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Item 26 - Agreement with Allied Network Solutions, Inc. for Adobe Software and Subscription[Icon] 762 Yes 1/21/2025 2:16:24 PM 1/27/2025 5:03:20 PM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Item 27 - Third Amendment with A1 Party Rental for Event Equipment Rental Services[Icon] 5 Yes 1/15/2025 1:26:27 PM 1/15/2025 1:35:00 PM CLERK000026 City Clerk
Item 28 - Resolution rescinding Resolution No. 94-031[Icon] 35 Yes 1/15/2025 1:26:18 PM 1/15/2025 1:37:25 PM CLERK000026 City Clerk
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